Warranty Coverage

Our Commitment to Quality and Durability

Pinnacle USA, Inc. (“Pinnacle”) warrants all labor performed and materials installed by Pinnacle at the subject home, to be free of defects and in accordance with the contract, drawings specifications, alternations, and additions thereto, for a period of one (1) year from the date your pool was delivered.  All pool equipment with warranties extending beyond Pinnacle’s one (1) Warranty is covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. Should a defect occur during Pinnacle’s warranty period due to improper materials or workmanship, the defect will be promptly repaired at no cost to the Owner. The Owner through claim notice to the General Contractor shall give written notice to Pinnacle of any defective work. The Warranty does not cover damages as a result of normal wear and tear, misuse, accident, or neglect and does not extend to or cover any modifications made by others to Pinnacle’s work. Our Warranty is non-transferable.

If Pinnacle built your pool or spa through a General Contractor, please initiate any related claims with them first. They will collect general information regarding your claim, ask for a description of the defect and pictures of affect area or equipment. If the claim involves, work Pinnacle performed, the Builder will submit the claim information to us. Once a claim is filed, either your Builder or a Pinnacle customer service representative will contact you and if applicable, schedule an on-site visit with a service technician. Once your claim is approved, Pinnacle will arrange for the repair or replacement of the product or work at no cost.  Any warranty claims for projects that were directly contracted with Pinnacle, please initiate the claim with us.

Warranty Repair and Support Service:

Phone:  239-216-8020   |    Email: [email protected]

Pinnacle USA, Inc. built my pool through a Custom Home Builder. I have a pool service question or a concern, what should I do?

For general questions, care, and service advice we are happy to share knowledge and resources. Please reach out to us 239-216-8020 or via email [email protected]. For any pool related warranty claims, those must be initiated with your Builder first. If the claim involves work Pinnacle performed, the Builder will communicate the claim information for us to inspect, repair or replace as determined.

Pinnacle USA, Inc. constructed or remodeled my pool / spa directly with me.  What’s different with my Warranty?

All of Pinnacle’s warranty terms are the same, however, any pool related warranty claims are initiated directly with us.  Please reach out to us 239-216-8020 or via email [email protected].     

What does Pinnacle’s warranty cover?

Our warranty to the Builder covers improper materials installed or workmanship performed by Pinnacle. Within the covered period, any defect will be promptly repaired at no cost to the Owner. Equipment such water pumps, heaters and other equipment are generally covered under separate manufacturer warranties. Manufacturer equipment coverages may extend beyond Pinnacle’s warranty period but generally do not cover labor costs. The warranty does not cover damages as a result of normal wear and tear, misuse, accident, or neglect and does not extend to or cover any modifications made by others to Pinnacle’s work.

What items are not covered under Pinnacle’s warranty?

  • Gaskets
  • Bulbs
  • Filters
  • Work done by others not authorized by Pinnacles USA, Inc.
  • Acts of God
  • Power Surges
  • Water (if pool need to be drained for repairs)

Does Pinnacle provide Pool Service and Maintenance?

Pinnacle is a certified pool and spa contractor and does not provide pool maintenance services. However, we strongly recommend the use of a professional pool service and maintenance company to perform weekly pool service for the life of the pool. Failure to use a professional service provider to maintain the pool during the warranty period may void your warranty.

Does Pinnacle sell, share or disclosure my personal information for marketing purposes?

From our normal course of business, Pinnacle does collect a limit amount of consumer information. We will not send you marketing communications, but we may continue to contact you to the extent necessary for the purposes of any services you have requested. We will never use your personal data to advertise, promote, or market third-party goods or services to you. Additionally, we will not license or publish any of your personal data. We do not and will not sell any personal data to third parties for their own commercial use.

Submit a Warranty Claim